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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
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To get started with this blank TiddlyWiki, you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* SiteTitle & SiteSubtitle: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* MainMenu: The menu (usually on the left)
* DefaultTiddlers: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
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<<option chkAnimate>> EnableAnimations

Also see AdvancedOptions
website has been updated with a nicer presentation. Take a
*Randal will be a speaker at the [[Preachers Files
July 28-30. Come participate!
Forthright Press is a new publishing house that comes with plenty of experience behind it.

''Barbara A. Oliver'' worked in publishing with World Evangelism Foundation 1993-2007 as a layout editor for books and magazines. She currently is involved in Spanish-language missions. Previously, she worked in international banking. You can write Barbara at oliver (at) beezoliver (dot) com.

''J. Randal Matheny'' is a missionary author, editor, and publisher who has worked in Brazil since 1984 and in publishing for over 15 years. He has written a book on Hebrews in the Portuguese language, as well as other studies and published bibliographies. You can email Randal at [[|]].

Our MissionStatement explains more of what we're about.

Writers interested in submitting manuscripts may consult ManuscriptSubmission.

To receive notices of new releases and other initiatives of Forthright Press, [[sign up free|SignUpFree]] to our low-activity list on [[Google|]] or [[Yahoo|]] or on [[Twitter|]] or [[Facebook|]].
*[[Glover Shipp|GloverShipp]]
** [[Twice as Much Husband|TwiceAsMuchHusband]]
** [[Covenant Marriage|CovenantMarriage]]
*[[Michael E. Brooks|MichaelEBrooks]] - [[In Search of Perfection: Studies from Job|InSearchOfPerfection]]
*[[Richard Mansel|RichardMansel]] - [[The Most Important Question: What Must I Do to be Saved?|MostImportant]] ''NEW!''
*[[Tim Hall|TimHall]] - [[Discovering the Kingdom of God|KingdomOfGod]]
If you'd like to submit your manuscript to Forthright Press, see the ManuscriptSubmission page.
|09 Jan|Winona MS|Release of [[Richard Mansel's|RichardMansel]] book|
!!''Covenant Marriage: God's Blueprint for Couples,'' by Glover H. Shipp
[>img[CMFrontCoverp.jpg]]@@Back by popular demand!@@

Glover Shipp’s book on the marriage covenant has been enlarged and revised in a new second edition.

When people see marriage as a lifelong commitment, they’ll stick it through and make the best of their relationship, rather than bailing out at the first crisis.

Dr. Glover Shipp teaches us to appreciate marriage as a covenant with God and with our mates.
As the first of the Forthright Bible Study Guides, this book’s five lessons help an individual, couple or group explore what the Bible teaches about marriage as a covenant commitment.

“The author has managed to capture the true essence of marriage as ‘covenant’ vs. ‘contract’ in a pithy but powerful small group discussion format. This practical, yet biblically informative work is an essential tool for the strengthening of new and veteran marriages. More important, it must be assigned to every couple planning to step into the most sacred of unions on Planet Earth.”
	—Dr. Alan Martin, Family Life professor
	Oklahoma Christian University

“A must for  premarital and marriage counseling! I use this book for married couples with difficulties. Scripturally based with practical insights that share how a marriage can survive life’s storms. The section questions are well written and causes the reader to draw on what he read.”
	—Chris Barney,

GLOVER SHIPP serves as a shepherd in the Edmond, Okla., church of Christ. He and his wife Margie dedicated 18 years to mission work in Brazil. With five earned degrees, he is a prolific author and was managing editor of The Christian Chronicle.

Retail price: $6.95
Format: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 56
ISBN: 978-0-9754789-2-9
Binding: Perfect binding
Subject: Marriage
Features: questions for discussion
Release date: September 2007

Checks to: Forthright Press LLC, 607 Devine St., Winona, MS 38967
Or payment may be made by ~PayPal to Barbara Oliver, email
Tel.: (662) 283-5037 or (901) 517-7274
Email: [[|]]
[[Mars Hill Book Signing]]
Forthright is the electronic magazine that charts a straight path to the Cross of Christ. The columnists are experienced authors whose articles are published daily and posted on line -- -- and  sent by email. It is not published in print.
!!!Now in print[>img[books.jpg]]
*[[Covenant Marriage: God's Blueprint for Couples|CovenantMarriage]], by [[Dr. Glover H. Shipp|GloverShipp]]
*[[Discovering the Kingdom of God|KingdomOfGod]], by [[Tim Hall|TimHall]]
*[[In Search of Perfection: Studies from Job|InSearchOfPerfection]], by [[Michael E. Brooks|MichaelEBrooks]]
*[[The Most Important Question: What Must I Do to Be Saved?|MostImportant]], by [[Richard Mansel|RichardMansel]]
*[[Straight to the Cross: Spiritual Directions for the Christian|Straight to the Cross]], eds. Randal Matheny and Barbara Oliver
*[[Twice as Much Husband, Half as Much Money: How to Enjoy Retirement|TwiceAsMuchHusband]], by [[Dr. Glover H. Shipp|GloverShipp]]
*[[I Hate Shaving|IHateShaving]], by Randal Matheny (book of prayers)

To receive notices of new releases and other initiatives of Forthright Press, [[sign up free|SignUpFree]] to our lists on Google, Yahoo, Twitter and Facebook.
Come to our @@First Forthright Fellowship!@@ On Friday, December 29, 2006, in Florence, Alabama, the editors and staff of [[Forthright Magazine|]] will greet friends, subscribers and
readers in a day devoted to rejoicing and sharing together.

''Location:'' Mars Hill church of Christ, Fellowship Room
''Address:'' 1330 Mars Hill Road, Florence, Alabama 35630. Church phone: (256) 766-5100.
''Time:'' From 1 p.m. until late afternoon or the last guest leaves.
''Activities:'' Introductions, singing, prayers, devotional Bible study, a word from the editors, lots of chat.

So far, the following editors and staff have @@confirmed@@ their presence: assistant editor Barbara Oliver (Miss.), Mike Brooks (Ala.), Mitchell Skelton (Tenn.), Richard Mansel (Ga.), and editor Randal Matheny (Brazil).

We'll also have our next book available at the Fellowship for a special price. Glover Shipp's [[Twice as Much Husband: Retirement Issues|TwiceAsMuchHusband]] will sell at a @@special discount price.@@ This is a one-time offer.

See this [[area map|,+Florence,+AL+35630&ie=UTF8&z=11&ll=34.799709,-87.675705&spn=0.257111,0.692139&om=1]] and this [[detailed map|,+Florence,+AL+35630&ie=UTF8&z=14&ll=34.835646,-87.66489&spn=0.032125,0.086517&om=1&iwloc=addr]] on location and how to arrive. To the left of both maps is a scale that will enlarge or diminish details.

Questions? Call Barbara at (662) 283-5037 or (901) 517-7274 or send Randal an email [[here|]].
Here you'll read news about [[Forthright Magazine|]], [[|]] and Forthright Press, its editors, columnists and reporters, as well as a few of our friends. To receive the newsletter and news of book releases, [[sign up free|SignUpFree]] to our [[low-activity list|]].

2008 Dec 12 • New Facebook group

!!Older News
ForthrightNews04 • 2007 May 7 • Glover's book, finally!
ForthrightNews03 • 2006 Dec 4 • New chat group, ForthrightFellowship
ForthrightNews02 • 2006 Nov 6 • [[Conversion Stories|]], book almost ready, staff movements.
ForthrightNews01 • 2006 Sept 15 • New book, new columnists, busy staff.
[[11 July 2006]] • website, Randal speaks
@@Forthright Press & Magazine Update
15 September 2006 - No. 1@@

With this little newsletter, we at [[Forthright Press|]] & [[Magazine|]] hope to keep you up to date with what's happening behind the scenes and with our good friends. You should see it about once a month.

The book [[Straight to the Cross]] is almost sold out. At this point we will move on to our next projects, rather than reprint. So if you've not yet ordered your copy, run to the phone! Telephone (662) 283-5037 or (901) 517-7274 or email .

It's settled: our next book will be Dr. ''Glover Shipp's'' [[Twice as Much Husband|TwiceAsMuchHusband]], a book of retirement issues and challenges, with Glover's own light-hearted illustrations, scheduled out in November, 2006.

That pushes Randal's prayer book, ''I Hate Shaving,'' forward to 2007. In between we hope to get to ''Richard Mansel's'' introduction to Christianity, title undecided at this point.

Look for announcements about new columnists at [[Forthright Magazine|]] and a brand new feature, probably located within, about @@people's salvation stories, in their own words.@@ We believe this is going to be an exciting and popular feature!

Here's a bit of news about our staff and columnists.

''Barry Newton's'' pen doesn't move much these days, he says, "due to preparing for our move to San Antonio, Tex. My first day as an associate minister with the [[MacArthur Park Church of Christ|]] will be October 1." He will have served the [[Central church|]] in San Jose, Calif., for exactly 11 years.

''Richard Mansel'' recently moved from Kentucky to work with the Allenhurst, Ga., church. Despite the move, he continues to edit [[Culture Wars newsletter|]].

''Tim Hall'' will begin a gospel meeting with the Minerva Drive church in Murfreesboro, Tenn., Sunday, September 17, through Wednesday, the 20th. Tim says he has an idea or two for another book percolating, but nothing ready to serve up yet. (His latest is [[Discovering the Kingdom of God|]], published last year.)

The end of July ''Randal Matheny'' spoke twice at the [[1st annual Preachers Files Lectureship|]] in Berryville, Ark. During the first part of August got heads together with Forthright Press partner ''Barbara Oliver'' in Winona, Miss. When he arrived home in Brazil August 9, waiting at his door were ...

''Kevin Cauley'' went to Brazil, accompanied by his wife ''Mary Lynn,'' to [[teach in several cities|]] for 10 days. They celebrated 15 years of marriage on their trip, and for that Kevin let Mary Lynn walk the beach in Caraguatatuba for an hour. Kevin works with the [[Berryville, Ark., church|]].

In Abilene, Tex., ''Jimmy Jividen'' continues to fight his battle for health. He wrote, "I am not doing much writing now due to my health. I have many things to say, but do not have the energy to put them on paper. I did do an article in the //Gospel Advocate// last month on showing the church in the United States is at a crossroad. We will either being going down the road of apostasy or restoration. I had a lot of response from it, some positive and some negative. It is imperative that we both keep the faith as well as share he faith.

"I appreciate the work you are doing. You had great vision and have met the needs of a struggling brotherhood. You have brought together a fine group of writers and have found a place in the competitive arena of publication. I was honored that you asked me to contribute to your work. I have not done a very good job, but am thrilled to be part this work."

We're honored that Jimmy accepted being a part of Forthright and we all continue to pray for him.

Together with Dale Jenkins, Jeff Jenkins, Mike Baker, Steve Higginbotham, Mike Greene, and Wayne Hatcher, columnist ''Phil Sanders'' will be releasing the book //Seeking True Unity,// a 64-page book with five lessons dealing with the 1906 anniversary of the "split between churches of Christ and the Disciples of Christ/Christian Church. There is currently a movement to bring unity between these two groups," he says. The authors hope that churches will "consider it for a special five-week class for adults and teens."

As he was gearing up to teach a new semester at [[Freed-Hardeman University|]], ''Stan Mitchell'' had an ... experience. His words: "I have been getting cheap coffee at the local Burger King for 51 cents a cup for several months. Last week a new girl was at the counter: 'That will be $1.07, please.' In surprise I say: 'I usually get it for 51 cents!' The girl at the back whispers: 'He gets the senior discount!' The moral and ethical question of the day is, should I let them know I'm not a senior?"

We asked ''Barbara Oliver'' what she did during the last month. Her list left us ... well, tired!
* I visited with Randal Matheny on August 1-3. :)
* Finished VBS on August 2 -- I was in charge of feeding dinner to all the kids.
* I finished Volume 51 of [[The Voice of Truth International|]] and got it to the printer (of course, I had lots of help :)
* Took coworker Eulene to Memphis to get her stitches out after her second hip surgery.
* We had our monthly World Evangelism School of Missions meeting August 24-25.
* I went with Robert and Michal Swain to Mars Hill church of Christ on August 26.
* I have been studying and helping prepare lessons with Michal for her upcoming 10-day class in Myanmar on the "Fruit of the Spirit."
* September 9, Ladies' Day, Michal and I were in charge of feeding 82 ladies afterwards.
* I am taking a tax preparation course from H&R Block, thinking about starting a small business to help preachers file their taxes.
* I have been working on Volume 7 of //The Voice of Truth International// in Spanish, working on Volume 52 of the English.
* Helping Robert and Michal finish as much of their work as they can before they leave for India and Myanmar on September 27.
* Oops! I forgot ... I edit and send out the [[Forthright|]] e-zine when I remember to. :)
We give thanks to the gracious God who gives us life, hope, salvation, and participation in his mission. May he be praised in all!
Forthright Press & Magazine Update
2006 Nov 6 - No. 2@@

!!!Nifty and Nice
Catch the wonderful new feature called [[ConversionStories|]]. Amity Keele shares her story with us in a wonderful blend of personal detail and biblical truth.

This feature encourages Christians and helps those who need to obey to see that others are turning to the Lord as well.
!!!FP News
Glover Shipp's book, [[Twice as Much Husband|TwiceAsMuchHusband]], is in the works, due out in Nov., in plenty of time for Christmas. Will make a great gift for those facing retirement or now retired.
Keep an eye out for Richard Mansel's Culture Wars coming to Forthright Magazine. We're pleased to host his well-researched material. Be sure to [[sign up|]] to get it by email if you're not already a subscriber.

A new columnist is in the wings, waiting to join the ~FMag ranks. Stay tuned for the big announcement. All the way from Pennsylvania ...
!!!Longitude & Latitude
''Barbara Oliver'' picks up Robert, Michal, and Jamie Swain from the airport Nov. 7. They have been in India and Myanmar for six weeks. She finishes her H&R Block tax course Nov. 20. Also, in November she finishes up vol. 52 of The Voice of Truth International and vol. 7 of the Spanish edition.

Barbara also noted that John Thiesen, the managing editor of the Spanish edition, died on October 23. "That was a terrible loss for us. He was a great man, working for God up to the very end of his time here on earth," she said.

''Mike Brooks'' returns to Alabama Nov. 2, presumbly from South Asia, and will report to the Union church in Somerville Ala., and Mt. Vernon, Park City, Ky., during the month. He's working on a series of "Basic Principles of the Christian Faith" for distribution in South Asia, as well as "A Practical Guide to the Organization of the Local Church". "Pray that I find time to complete these," he asks.

''Phil Sanders'' just finished a gospel meeting at the Lemon Bay congregation in Englewood, Fla. He says, "It was a fine meeting and stirred their hearts for greater service." He'll speak at the Highland Hts.
congregation in Lebanon, Tenn., Nov. 11, on "Reaching Our Culture with the Gospel." [[Gospel Advocate|]] magazine will soon publish his article, "Allah is not Jehovah."

''Richard Mansel'' spoke at the Southeast Georgia Lectures in Richmond Hill the end of October. He started a new blog at [[Preacher Pages|]]. He is busy with
several writing projects, working on Culture Wars and preaching through Ephesians.

''Randal Matheny'' headed to Recife, Brazil, to teach his seminar, "This We Believe" at the Prazeres congregation Oct.13-15. He also met two days with leaders from the Boa Viagem congregation. Then he raced back to ~SJCampos to speak at a special evangelistic weekend on "Felling Trees, Facing Facts." He will be in the US Dec. 6-Jan. 5 if you'd like him to speak at your congregation.

The rest of the columnists were either busy or sleeping when we sent the email asking about their activities.
!!!Pray for us
Please pray for us that whether writing, speaking, or holding a hurting brother's hand, we may glorify God and give him our best.
Forthright Press & Magazine Update
2006 Dec 2 - No. 3@@
We're excited about the First ForthrightFellowship Dec. 29th. Make plans to join us for an exciting day.
!!!FP News
ForthrightPress is on the look-out for a sharp person to help with a major project. If you're interested, check the details on SeekingQualifiedPerson and contact us.

Glover Shipp's book, TwiceAsMuchHusband, is in the works, due out any time. Keep your ears open for the release. Will make a great gift for those facing retirement or now retired.
Since we had to close comments on the [[Forthright Magazine|]] site, we started a discussion group for subscribers and friends to talk about articles or faith in general. To sign up, here's the quick and easy email: [[|]]. ''UPDATE -- Comments reopened on site, email group closed -- but you can join [[NTChristian|]].''

Our thanks to Richard Mansel for helping to moderate the group.

We're planning on a software change for the mag site that will provide better protection. But the email group will likely stay ...
!!!Longitude & Latitude
Check on the compass points of our wandering columnists.

''Tim Hall'' goes to the Gatlinburg area for an annual preachers' retreat Dec. 4-6. "It's not a large event; this year we'll have 11-12," he writes. "This is our seventh event, with emphasis on spiritual and physical refreshment. A highlight will be a reenactment of a passover meal, and our theme will be 'Christ Our Passover,'"

Last weekend Tim did another photo show at the Festival of the Mountain Masters in Harlan, Ky. He says it's his second show, "more in the realm of personal hobby. I tell people that hiking with camera in hand is my golf." He's keeping options open as far as making it to the ForthrightFellowship.

''Richard Mansel'' is enjoying the change of seasons in South Georgia. He will soon begin writing occasional articles for the newspaper. He will soon begin teaching Romans. Richard is looking forward to vacationing after Christmas and attending the ForthrightFellowship in Florence, Ala.

''Randal Matheny'' arrives in the US from Brazil Dec. 6th to [[report to churches|]] and to spend Christmas with extended family for the first time in 16 years. He and his family celebrated 22 years in Brazil Nov. 28th.

''Phil Sanders'' will be teaching four extensions courses for Regions University this spring (formerly Southern Christian University). Courses include: The Passion of Christ and the Establishment of the Church, The Scheme of Redemption, Survey of the Bible, and Christian Evidences. "I am excited about these courses," Phil wrote.

He will also teach two courses for Nashville School of Preaching: Bible Geography (with media slides of the Holy Land from his trip there last summer) and Preaching from Timothy and Titus. His local  television program will begin its third year in January. That same month he will have articles appearing in Think magazine, Spiritual Sword, and Gospel Advocate, "as well as my favorite ezine, Forthright." His words.

''Mike Brooks'' returned Thursday, Nov. 30 from a trip to south-central Kentucky, where he reported to the churches in Park City, Horse Cave and Tomkinsville on his recent work in Asia. The previous week (November 22) he and his wife Brenda were in Orlando (Concord Street) and Bradenton (Midway), Florida.

Mike said, "In December Brenda and I will celebrate our 40th anniversary by taking our first ever cruise. Then we will participate in the ForthrightFellowship here in the Shoals."
Lord, may our good deeds show your glory. Remember us for these works of righteousness, o God who judges the hearts of men! Amen.
Back to ForthrightNews or off to read [[Forthright Magazine|]].
Forthright Press & Magazine Update
2007 May - No. #4@@
This is our first Forthright News this year -- 2007 started fast and furious. Your editor returned from the USA in January, headed off to Recife for a lectureship, then to Belo Horizonte, then to Salvador ... you get the picture.

We didn't have a report on the ForthrightFellowship in December, but it was a great moment for those
present. Our thanks to ''Richard Mansel'' especially for pulling details together in Florence, Ala. Ah, there are a few pictures [[in this gallery|]].

!!!FP News
Glover Shipp's book, TwiceAsMuchHusband, will be out this week! (May 8th or so). Will make a great gift for those facing retirement or now retired.

Two new stories, by Ken Thomas and Joey ~McKinney, are up on the [[Conversion Stories|]] page. They make for great reading and wonderful encouragement.

Two biggies: we moved the magazine new server in March/April and updated the software. "We" actually means webmaster and columnist ''Kevin Cauley.'' "We" (meaning all of us) are grateful to Kevin for his hard, quality work behind the scenes.

!!!Longitude & Latitude
Here's what's happening with your favorite Forthright staff people.

''Kevin Cauley'' writes, "Our preacher/missionary from Costa Rica, Moises Umana is coming in Friday
to meet with our elders. His purpose here is for us to plan a curriculum and schedule for a part-time preacher training school in Costa Rica. I suspect we'll be busy with him over the next two weeks, and we are planning on visiting some other congregations in our area to talk about this future work. If anyone is interested in supporting this work, let us know."

''Richard Mansel'' is busy with writing projects, his Preacher Pages Blog and Culture Wars. He just completed teaching a Marriage Seminar and is preparing to write a book on Building Godly Marriages. He will reach two significant milestones this month, Lord willing. On May 22, he will publish his 100th straight article on Forthright. And on May 31, his Culture Wars newsletter will be three years old. He is humbled by God's blessings in his life.

''Tim Hall'' says that May is the calm before the storm. He'll be doing a wedding in Nashville May 12 at the Concord Road Church of Christ (Brentwood). In June he has two gospel meetings and a mission trip to Nicaragua. "Just taking a few deep breaths in May to get ready," he sighs.

We've not heard from ''Mike Brooks'' lately, but he and wife ''Brenda'' should be getting back from their Asian mission trip. He says to catch him at the Hamilton, Ala., Missionary Retreat May 10-12.

Assistant editor ''Barbara Oliver'' is transitioning her work to new fields. Same mission, different focus. She'll also be fund-raising to be able to continue her long-time commitment as a missions worker. If you'd like to talk to her about support, call her at (901) 517-7274. Also, she'll be participating in the Missionary Retreat May 10-12 in Hamilton, Ala.

Editor ''Randal Matheny'' will be in the USA May 8-22. He's a speaker for the Missionary Retreat in Ala., and will visit family while's he's in North America.

We pray the Lord will be glorified in every effort, movement, and message made by each one of his servants associated with [[Forthright Magazine|]] and Forthright Press. And by you, too!

Forthright Press & Magazine Update
2008 Dec 12 - No. #5@@
More news for the year's end, just in time. Coming up ... Richard Mansel's book on the basics of Christianity.
!!!FP News
We're putting the final touches on Richard's book, which will have a copyright date of 2009, freshly minted. This book is an excellent introduction for those who have little idea of Christianity -- and there are millions of people around you in exactly that situation. is a service of Forthright Press. Roy Davison went from serving as a correspondent with ~BNc to a more regular job as Contributing Editor. Roy knows people from all over, so he's the right man for the task. We mention his new attributions in [[this report|]].

Forthright Press now has created a [[Facebook group|]]. Come join us! Or follow along on [[Twitter|]]. And there's is always a [[Yahoo or Google group|SignUpFree]] to get the news from. Whever you are, we gotcha covered!

With Kevin Cauley's move to Texas, [[Eddie Watkins|]] has assumed the job as webmaster, for which we are thankful. Eddie keeps the website ticking along, and if it weren't for that thankless task, behind the scenes, we'd be in a pickle.

[[Richard Mansel|]] was named Managing Editor of Forthright Magazine Dec. 11. He wears that badge after his previous stint as Assistant Manager. Richard is one of the most dedicated people I know. The magazine is blessed from his dedication to the Lord. Read the full story [[here|]].

Coming in 2009, Richard will shift gears in his column. After not missing a lick in his "[[Square One|]]" column geared to non-Christians, he'll move into a broader approach that will give him freedom to deal with Christian life in general and to touch on a favorite area of his, cultural and social issues.

!!!Longitude & Latitude
Here's what's happening with your favorite Forthright staff people.

''Richard Mansel'' will be embarking on an effort to reach out to those who sporadically attend worship at the church of Christ at Allenhurst, Ga., and get them back. The area around Fort Stewart Army base is exploding with growth and it presents new challenges. His editing duties, writing projects and family responsibilities will fill his remaining time. He is on the board of the [[Three Corner's Residence Recovery Ministries|]] and they are busy growing, raising funds and remodeling their facilities. Finally, he will be looking forward to the ~Freed-Hardeman lectureship in February and hoping to see some snow.

After a busy fall making final preparations to open their new auditorium, ''Tim Hall'' is happy to see activities slow down a bit. He just returned from an uplifting preachers' retreat in Gatlinburg with ten of his preaching brethren, and looks forward to spending a few days in Nashville celebrating the holidays with all of his children and grandchildren. 

Packing bags and moving from Tennessee to Oklahoma is what ''Phil Sanders'' is doing, as he begins his new ministry with In [[Search of Truth|]].

The whole family will be present at ''Randal Matheny's'' house this Christmas, if the weather will permit. Micah and his wife Valerie and Joel and his girlfriend Tansy were stuck in Nashville last night when their plane was grounded due to bad weather.
We're grateful to God for his gift of service and for the fellowship we share with friends in the effort at [[Forthright Magazine|]], [[|]] and Forthright Press. And we're grateful that you have enriched our lives, too!
!!!Books published by Forthright Press
[[Covenant Marriage: God's Blueprint for Couples|CovenantMarriage]]
[[Twice as Much Husband|TwiceAsMuchHusband]]
[>img[Glover Shipp|glovershippp.jpg]]Glover was a missionary in Brazil 1967-85. He has his fingers in just about every pie: journalism, writing and publishing, song-writing, painting and illustrations. He worked as Managing Editor of the [[Christian Chronicle|]] and presently serves as an elder for the Edmond Church of Christ.
!!!Other books
*//Christianity and Islam: Bridging Two Worlds//. Covenant Publishing, 2002.
*//Fire in My Bones//, two volumes. J. C. Choate Publications, 1978, 2005.
*//God Answers His Mail.// J. C. Choate Publications, 1976.
*"Group Evangelism in Missions," in George Gurganus, ed., //Guidelines for World Evangelism// pp. 170-209. Abilene, Tex.: Biblical Research Press, 1976.
*//The Hinge Of Your History: The Phases Of Faith//. Covenant Publishing, 2004. (with Laayne Colvett Scott)
*//Marriage Is a Covenant, Not a Contract//, College Press, 1997.
*//Me, a Submissive Wife?// Star Bible.
*//Militant Jihad: The Mentality Of Muslim Terrorists//. Covenant Publishing, 2004.
*//The Pilgrims: Missionary Life, in Cartoon and Text.// J. C. Choate Publishing, 1989.
*//Separate for Me,// J. C. Choate Publications, 1986.
*//Ten Commandments for Couples: Group Study//. College Press, 2002.
*//There's No Nut Like a Brazil Nut,// J. C. Choate Publications.
Checks may be made out to and mailed to:

Forthright Press LLC
607 Devine Street
Winona, MS 38967

Or payment may be made by [[PayPal|]] to Barbara Oliver, email ba (at) oliver (dot) net.
Tel.: (662) 283-5037 or (901) 517-7274
Email: [[special address for purchases|]]
(Special conditions for booksellers and bookstores.)

You may also check out [[these bookstores and outlets|Where to Buy]].
Subtitle: 101 Prayers for Men
Author: J. Randal Matheny
Projected release date: on hold, to be published after [[Richard Mansel's|RichardMansel]] book.
Title: In Search of Perfection
Subtitle: Studies from Job
Author: MichaelEBrooks
Release date: January 2007
Subject: Textual and thematic studies from Job, using selected texts.
Pages: 168.
Chapters: 21
ISBN: 0-945441-13-4
Scripture quotations: NASB
List price: $9.99 plus shipping and handling

# There Lived a Man (1:1-5)
# The Adversary (1:6, 7)
# Consider My Servant Job (1:8-12)
# The Patience of Job (1:20-22; 2:9, 10)
# Why Is Life Given? (3:1-5, 11-13, 20-26)
# Do the Innocent Perish? (4:7-9; 5:17, 18)
# Swift and Hopeless (7:1-10)
# Reeds Without Water (8:11-13)
# A Mortal Before God (9:1-4, 11-19)
# The Eyes of the Wicked (11:13-20)
# Worthless Physicians (13:1-12)
# If a Man Dies (14:14)
# Are You the First? (15:7-10)
# Is God My Adversary? (16:7-14)
# Crushed with Words (19:1-3)
# The Wicked Live On (21:7-15)
# Can a Man Help God? (22:2, 3)
# Finding God (23:3-7)
# Where is Wisdom Found? (28:1, 2, 12-15, 23, 28)
# That Would Have Been Iniquity (31:5-8, 13-15, 24-28)
# Where Were You? (33:12; 38.1-4)
# My Eyes Have Seen (42:1-6)
# The Lord Blessed (42:7-17)

@@Now available!@@ Forthright Press is the new distributor for Michael's book. It makes an excellent class study for Bible school and other groups.Here's [[How to Order]].

One of the wonderful byproducts of the ForthrightFellowship was the arrangement between the editors and author to distribute the book. It had been some time since the former publisher had withdrawn it from the market. With Mike spending six months of the year out of the U.S., he himself was limited. So happy arrangements were made agreeable to both parties.

Read more about the book in the PressReleasePerfection.
!Discovering the Kingdom of God, by Tim Hall
Forthright Press is now the new distributor of Tim Hall's Discovering the Kingdom of God, a "novel" approach to learning the Bible teachings about the Kingdom of God on earth. Truths are taught in the framework of a story. Join two young couples as they tour some of the great kingdoms of the past, and as they learn about the greatest Kingdom of all - God's kingdom!

[>img[halldiscoveringp.jpg]]The book is divided into five chapters, and contains questions at the end of the book. It's a great way to study carefully the Bible's teachings on a very important subject.
*"The Kingdom In Prophecy" - Statements about various features of the Kingdom were made by God's prophets hundreds of years before the Kingdom appeared! 
*"The Authority Of The King" - The King who rules over God's Kingdom on earth is truly unique.  Several passages describing the person and work of Jesus Christ are discussed.
*"Identifying Marks Of The Kingdom Of God" - How can one recognize God's Kingdom on earth?  Here's what the Bible teaches.
*"The Spiritual Nature Of The Kingdom Of God" - Instead of castles and armies, God's Kingdom is made up of spiritual realities.
*"A ~Thousand-Year Kingdom?" - Many believe God will establish His Kingdom on earth, and that it will last for 1,000 years.  What does the Bible teach on this subject?
*"Supplementary Questions" - A  number of questions are included at the end of the book to help guide one in studying this vital subject.
Pages: 117
Subject: Evangelism
Binding: Perfect binding
Format: 5.5 x 8.5
Scripture quotations: NKJV
ISBN: none
List price: $6.99
Press release: PressReleaseKingdom
Book review:

See this page for information on [[how to order|How to Order]].
[[How to Order]]
[[About Us]]
[[Forthright News|ForthrightNews]]
[[Forthright Magazine]]
[[Where to Buy]]
[[Small print]]
[[Forthright Fellowship|ForthrightFellowship]]
[[Conversion Stories|]]
!Guidelines for manuscript submission
This manuscript submission process is now being developed. We're defining our editorial policy, so there may be some changes to this section.
!!Besides writing
Like most publishers, we expect authors to take an active role in the marketing process. After all, they can speak most enthusiastically and authoritatively about their subject. Among expectations are these:
*The author researches similar books already on the market and distinguishes his book from them;
* The author participates in the marketing of the book through book signings, sales at events, speaking engagements, and radio and television interviews.
*The author is willing to rewrite, revise, and rethink portions of the manuscript.
*The author has input on formatting and book title, but these are the final decision of the editors.
*The author is responsible to obtain permission to use copyrighted material.
*The author expects delays in the editing, printing and publishing process.
!!Authors we work with
* Faithful Christians in churches of Christ, both men and women.
* People skilled in writing.
* People qualified to write on their subject.
* People with initiative willing to promote their books.
!!What we're looking for
*Forthright Press seeks books that apply biblical principles and passages in a practical way, with a unified message that develops a principal theme.
*We're looking for devotional books with substantial content, practical books that help people live as Christians today.
*We will consider textual studies, if they are of exceptional quality. (See, for example, Mike Brooks's [[In Search of Perfection|InSearchOfPerfection]].)
*We consider and encourage targeted audiences, such as [[Twice As Much Husband|TwiceAsMuchHusband]] targeting those interested in retirement.
!!We don't want
*Collected sermons, either in outline or manuscript.
* Academic or theoretical works. We're looking for general interest.
* Polemics or debates.
* Poetry. Not unless you're J.G. Whittier.
* Simultaneous submissions.
!!Questions we want answered
* Who is the book's primary audience? Secondary?
* How will your material help the audiences you identified?
* Compare your manuscript to other published books in the market. How and why is your idea different or better?
* What promotional efforts will be effective for you and your book?
* In what ways are you prepared to promote your book?
!!Step 1 - the query
* Send us an email to query your idea. Include suggested title, main thesis, chapter titles. Submit a summary of not more than 1000 words that:
**explains the thesis of the manuscript and its rationale;
**provides a short description of the content;
**identifies the intended audience; and
**estimates the length of the finished manuscript.
*if available, include the first chapter as a an [[odt|]] or [[rtf|]] attachment. Do not send .doc documents.
*Include a resume of your education, work experience, and published works.
*We'll take up to four weeks to respond to a query.
!!Step 2 - the proposal
So we like the idea. There's more. You have to sell us your idea.
# Cover Letter: introduce your book proposal, yourself, and the editor immediately.
# Cover page: must contain the book title, author name (as it will appear on the book), address, contact information, and word count of the manuscript.
# Production specifications: state the length of the book, if there are illustrations, and the proposed delivery date.
# Proposal contents: table of contents of the proposal with page numbers.
# Overview: summarize your book in a one-page overview with a unique 'hook' that generates excitement.
# The market: identify your audience and how to best reach them. Who is the intended buyer of the book? Men, women, college-age, ministers, evangelists, elders, mothers, singles, etc.
# About the book: describe your book in detail including special features and benefits. Clarify the focus, purpose, and argument of the book. What is its thesis? What are you advocating, defending, or otherwise trying to achieve in the book?
# Competition: show how your book fills a void or provides a new slant on your topic. Provide your rationale for writing this book. Why is this book needed? Will your book be superior to or different from other comparable titles? What will be its unique contribution? Convince the editor that you know what you're doing.
# About the author: tell us about yourself: your present position, educational background, biographical information, and previous publications.
# Table of contents: provide in one page the book's actual table of contents.
# Chapter summaries: summarize each chapter with a two- to four-sentence paragraph, highlighting important components.
# Two sample chapters: demonstrate your writing ability. Include chapter one and one other chapter.
# Publicity, promotion, and marketing: outline a plan for selling your book along with marketing ideas. Make a list of the ideas you're planning to use in order to promote your book. If you don't have a plan for promotion, besides what we will be doing, your book won't go far.
# Bulk sales: do you have the possibility of large sales to groups? Will you be holding seminars, speaking at lectureships, preaching gospel meetings?
# Endorsements: can you get some disciples well-known to the brotherhood to endorse your book?
# Attachments: include recent newspaper clippings and magazine articles about you or your topic.
# Tentative Title: include the tentative title, alternative and provocative titles, and subtitles. We may take up to two months to respond to book proposals.
*Forthright Press pays its authors royalties established early on in the process, depending on type and size of book. Royalties are paid semi-annually.
*The author will also be able to buy his book at discounted prices.
[<img[Author Richard Mansel|manselbookp.jpg]]Author [[Richard Mansel|RichardMansel]] will be at the Mars Hill Bookstore in Florence AL August 1, 2009, for a book signing. If you're in the area, drop by, visit with him, get your copy of [[The Most Important Question|MostImportant]] signed by the author.

Hours for the book signing are from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., or until the lines diminish.

Richard was reared in Florence, began preaching there and it was there he had his first article published in //World Evangelist//, so the book signing is a natural place for his first book.

His father Dalton has preached throughout the Florence area and has served as an elder. His grandfather, R. D. Mansel, was a deacon in a Florence congregation.

Richard is Managing Editor and [[columnist|]] for Forthright Magazine.

The address of Mars Hill Bookstore is [[698 Cox Creek Parkway|]], Florence, AL 35630. The bookstore can be contacted at 256-764-4088 or 1-800-321-4587.
[<img[mikebrenda.jpg]]Mike is Minister of Missions and Evangelism with Highland Park Church of Christ in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. He began preaching the Gospel in 1967. Since 1988 Mike has been involved in foreign missions in South America, Africa, and South Asia. Beginning in 1999 he devoted full time to missions, primarily in Bangladesh and Nepal, where he spends six months a year.

Decatur, Alabama, natives, Mike and Brenda (Campbell) have been married for 40 years, with three children and five grandchildren. Mike is a graduate of David Lipscomb University (BA) and Harding University Graduate School of Religion (MAR). He authored In Search of Perfection: Studies from Job.

As Director of Khulna, Bangladesh, Bible College, Mike divides his year between Asia and the U.S. He campaigns in Bangladesh and Nepal. In May 2003 he spoke on the first annual Bible Lectures of the School of Biblical Studies in Jos, Nigeria.
We're refining our statement, but so far we can say this.

The mission of Forthright Press is to point to Jesus Christ as the only way to God, to equip Christians to fulfill the will and mission of God, and to understand and apply the truths of the word of God in the world.

As a part of its mission, It publishes books that are faithful to the Way as revealed by the Holy Spirit in Scripture, that adhere to a high standard of quality, and that forcefully apply God's truths to life in Christ today. It also publishes electronically, including [[Forthright Magazine|]] and [[Conversion Stories|]].
!The Most Important Question, by Richard Mansel
[>img[manselquestionp.jpg]]Catch the [[BOOK SIGNING|Mars Hill Book Signing]] for Forthright Press' newest release: [[Richard Mansel’s|RichardMansel]] book, ''The Most Important Question: What Must I Do to Be Saved?''.

Retail price of this 112-page book is $6.95. See [[HERE|How to Order]] to order your copy today.

Checks to: Forthright Press LLC, 607 Devine St., Winona, MS 38967
Or payment may be made by ~PayPal to Barbara Oliver, email
Tel.: (662) 283-5037 or (901) 517-7274
Email: [[|]]

In the book, Richard explores in clear language the answer from the Bible about what is necessary for every person’s salvation. From descriptions of our need, to the work of the cross and our response, the 26 concise chapters trace the path of faith. With discussion questions at the end of every chapter, the book is an ideal study guide for individuals and small groups.

Subtitle: What Must I Do to Be Saved?
Author: [[Richard Mansel|RichardMansel]]
Release date: Jan. 2009
Subject: Salvation, Redemption, Obedience, Faith
Pages: 112
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Binding: Perfect binding
Features: Discussion questions
ISBN: 978-0-9754789-3-6
Bible version: NKJV
List price: $6.95 plus S/H

Richard gave a newspaper interview about the book March 19. Read it [[here|]].

Richard is the preacher of the [[Church of Christ in Allenhurst, Ga.|]] He has preached full-time since 1995, after several years in education and retail. From ~Freed-Hardeman and Southern Christian Universities he obtained Masters degrees in Ministry and Divinity. He has been writing for many years. He is married to Deirdre, and they have two daughters, Chelsea and Sarah.

About the book, Bill Bagents, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean, Heritage University, Florence, Ala., wrote,
>“Purposefully brief, but well-considered, Biblical to the core, showing great respect for God’s Word. Mansel cuts to the heart of the matter, time and again. He asks us to do what he has done, to read Scripture fairly and to let God say what He says.”

Richard was at the ~Freed-Hardeman University lectureship with book in hand for a [[book signing|MostImportantFHU]].

Forthright Press is proud to announce the release of [[Richard Mansel's|RichardMansel]] new book, [[The Most Important Question|MostImportant]].

Richard will be at the ~Freed-Hardeman University Lectureship Tuesday, Feb. 3, for a book signing.

The book signing will take place on campus at the FHU Bible Bookstore from 1:30-3:00 p.m.

Also present will be Forthright Press' own Barbara Ann Oliver.

We expect some of the Forthright Magazine staff to be hanging around as well. Tim Hall has confirmed he'll be there.

Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to pick up the new book, have Richard sign it and meet and greet some of Forthright's crew.

No one prepared my wife Margie and me for marriage 58 years ago. No one prepared us for bringing up children. As a young matron observed in the cartoon strip, For Better or For Worse, “My children taught me how to be a parent.” No one pre-pared us for the crises we have faced during these close to six decades.

Why, then, should we have prepared for retirement? Yes, we are both retired. Before we entered this stage of our sojourn, we sought some answers but found relatively little in print on the sub-ject, except in the financial realm. We picked up some pointers from retired friends, but for the most part, we are still feeling our way along.

An unexpected complication has been the sharp downturn of our modest retirement funds. Over time we have lost more than half of what we expected to live on for the duration. Some of our investments soured. Now what do we do? OK, we are still feeling our way along and falling flat on our faces at times. The thought occurred to us that, with so many boomers soon to reach retirement age, perhaps our experiences and observations on retirement might be of value. Someone out there may be given the heads-up to avoid a few potholes we hit. Someone out there may have a smoother time of it from reading about our meanderings through retirement. So here goes:

We will start by sketching out the scenário. Then we will dis-cuss the critical matter of adjusting to each other and to retire-ment living. We will talk about the “honey-do” list and sharing in household chores. We will look at the changed financial situation and the resulting downsizing of life style.

We will consider the lowered status of retirees who have held significant positions in the business world. Suddenly they may find themselves left by the side of the fast lane, soon forgotten by the movers and shakers. As someone recently commented to a white-haired colleague, “Look, move on! Make room for the next generation.”

We will look at decreasing sexual activity and the reality of diminishing health. We will think about another reality, that of slowing down our pace of life. At the same time, we will empha-size the need for physical exercise.

We will consider avoiding boredom and purposelessness by finding meaningful service and interests. One of these interests is grandchildren, who can help keep us feeling younger and more interested in life. And we will look at another positive way in which to slow down mental and emotional aging — travel. Yes, retirement can bring freedom of schedule for travel and other diversions, if, that is, financial resources and health make it possible.

We will look at the need for religious activity during retire-ment years, which will help us prepare for the 11th hour of life, for loss of a mate, and for loneliness. Like it or not, we may have to face being shut in by health problems or placed in a nursing home. Finally, we will consider death and eternity as retirement realities.

Our retirement years can be golden or a lump of useless fool’s gold. Much depends on our attitude and preparation for this important stage of life. Les Blair notes,

“This really is your ‘Golden Age’ if you allow it to be.... Accept aging! If you truly want a long life, you must be willing to grow old gracefully” (Blair 2003:75).

Dr. Glover Shipp
Edmond, Oklahoma
Barbara A. Oliver
607 Devine Street Winona, MS 38957 
Phone: (662) 283-5037 or (901) 517-7274 
Fax: (720) 294-9292 

November 2, 2005



(Winona, MS) - Two people on opposite sides of the Equator have formed a new publishing label and released their first book October 30.

Barbara A. Oliver, of Winona, Miss., and J. Randal Matheny, of Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, established Forthright Press last year and edited Straight to the Cross: Spiritual Directions for the Christian. The book includes nine authors from six states, as well as Matheny.

Oliver has worked with World Evangelism Foundation since 1993, as layout editor for books and magazines. The Foundation focuses on Far East missions.

Oliver traveled to India, Myanmar, Tasmania, and New Zealand in 2003. She had lived in India from 1973-74.

"We do a lot of swapping files in email, chatting on the Internet to get the job done," Oliver

Matheny has been a missionary in Brazil since 1984. He has authored several books in Portuguese and publishes a monthly biblical magazine.

"Our locations and talents complement each other as a part of our enterprise. Barbara's background in international banking and publishing, and my experience in writing and editing are a happy combination," Matheny said.

The publishing company and the book grew out of their collaboration as editors of Forthright Magazine, an electronic periodical which publishes daily articles of biblical and spiritual content.

In the book and online, Matheny often cites events or perspective from life in Brazil.

The book authors are also columnists for the Internet publication.

Like Oliver and Matheny, author Michael E. Brooks, of Florence, Ala., works extensively overseas, in Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Brooks's segment of the book is called "Field Notes," finding spiritual lessons in his travels.

The book made its debut both on the Internet and at a lectureship sponsored by the Cold Harbor Road church of Christ in Mechanicsville, Va. Matheny was a speaker at the event Nov. 3-6.

The book may be purchased from the website

Barbara A. Oliver
607 Devine Street Winona, MS 38957
Phone: (662) 283-5037 or (901) 517-7274
Fax: (720) 294-9292


April 3, 2008


''Forthright Press Distributes 'Kingdom of God''

(Winona, MS)- Author Tim Hall of Johnson City, Tenn., has arranged for Forthright Press to distribute his book, "Discovering the Kingdom of God."

Final details were hammered out yesterday, April 2, and an electronic handshake had to suffice between the editors in Miss., and Brazil, and the author in Tenn.

The book provides an excellent option to share the gospel with friends and contacts.

It is now the basis of a video, “God’s Kingdom,” produced by World Video Bible School, and widely used in the mission field.

The Forthright Press label will allow for wider, more sustained support, especially after the video release based on the book. The book was originally published in 2005 with limited distribution.

[<img[timhall.jpg]]Hall received his Bachelor's Degree 1976 from ~Freed-Hardeman College and a Master's Degree 1979 from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He has been in full-time ministry in Northeast Tennessee since 1978, and has served the Central church of Christ in Johnson City since 1983.

The 117-page volume sells for $6.99. The editors offer special conditions for booksellers and bookstores.

For further information, see the book's weblink:

Also, see this review of the book:


 Barbara A. Oliver
 607 Devine Street  Winona, MS 38957
 Phone: (662) 283-5037 or (901) 517-7274
 Fax: (720) 294-9292


January 9, 2007


''Forthright Press Distributes Job Study''

(Winona, MS)- Author Michael E. Brooks of Muscle Shoals, Ala., has arranged for Forthright Press to distribute his book, "In Search of Perfection: Studies from Job."

Brooks spends six months of the year evangelizing and teaching in Bangladesh and Nepal.

Brooks takes a journey into the mind and soul of a suffering man who asks deep, hard questions, but whose friends point him in wrong directions.

The study treats the principal themes of the book of Job using selected biblical texts. Its 23 chapters make it ideal for an indepth examination of the book, without being overly technical.

In the Preface, he states, "this approach proved extremely useful in providing relevance and applicability to the material. ... It seeks simply to assist the reader who asks, 'What does this ancient story contain that I need to hear?'"

The book was originally published by Resource Publications in 1992 with limited distribution. The Forthright Press label will allow for wider, more sustained support.

Brooks is Minister of Missions and Evangelism with the Highland Park Church of Christ in Muscle Shoals. He began preaching the gospel in 1967. Since 1988 Mike has been involved in foreign missions in South America, Africa, and South Asia. Beginning in 1999 he devoted himself full time to missions.

A graduate of David Lipscomb University (BA) and Harding University Graduate School of Religion (MAR), he and his wife Brenda (Campbell) have been married for 40 years, with three children and five grandchildren. They are both Decatur, Ala., natives.

Brooks is Director of Khulna, Bangladesh, Bible College.

He worked with the Center Hill church of Christ, Paragould, Ark., (1980-92), when the book was first released.

The 168-page volume sells for $9.99. The editors offer special conditions for booksellers and bookstores.

For further information, see the book's weblink:
!Author Richard Mansel
[<img[Richard Mansel|richardmansel.jpg]]Forthright's next book will be authored by Richard, on [[The Most Important Question|MostImportant]]. It's at the printer now. If you order now, you'll get the special prepub discount of 15%!

Richard became Managing Editor of Forthright Magazine Dec. 2008. He is the preacher of the [[Allenhurst, Ga., church|]]. He has been preaching full-time since 1995 following several years of secular work in education and retail.

He attended graduate school at ~Freed-Hardeman and Southern Christian where he obtained Masters degrees in Ministry and Divinity.

He has been writing for many years, with articles in brotherhood publications, and edited a weekly newsletter entitled "Culture Wars," examining social issues in the news. Besides Forthright, he now devotes time to the [[Preacher Pages Blog|]].

He is married to Deirdre and they have two daughters, Chelsea and Sarah.
Forthright Press is seeking a person experienced in journalism, communications, or English to serve as general editor for a new major Internet site. It would be, initially, at least, a volunteer position, not remunerated.

It would require the following skills and responsibilities:
* establishing and maintaining contact with brethren throughout the world.
* judging the quality of materials for publication.
* ability to summarize reports, edit submitted materials, and conflate information received from multiple sources into a coherent whole.
* Posting material to the site and sending notices to an email list (simple processes to learn).
* Working with the publisher to develop and maintain the site, produce new features, and recruit collaborators.
The position would require 1-3 hours per day and should be considered a primary ministry of the person who accepts it. It would require access to the Internet and email, as well as a certain ease with this medium.

This work holds the potential of serving as a major influence in the brotherhood.

The candidate must be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ and active in a congregation which holds that
the New Testament is the pattern for all life, faith, and work in the kingdom of God.

For further information, contact Randal Matheny:
Email: [[use this form|]]
Telephone: 011-55-12 3942-7753
* Yahoo IM: randalmatheny
Some of our current efforts include [[Forthright Press|]] and [[Forthright Magazine|]].

In Christ,

[[Randal Matheny|]]
To receive notices of new releases and other initiatives of Forthright Press, sign up free to the low-activity news list on either Yahoo ([[signup|]]) or Google ([[signup|]]).

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(These are newsletter format lists for news about FP, NOT the [[list to receive articles|]] for the ezine.)

And there's always the [[twitter service|]] to watch as well, not to mention the [[Facebook group|]] and the [[Churches of Christ Network group|]]. Wherever you are, we gotcha covered!
Forthright Press ... 
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[<img[StraightCoverp.jpg]]We invite you on a journey. Straight to the Cross, and back again. A trip more regular, more constant, more bracing, than the one you make daily to work and back, to school and back, to the kitchen table and back.

This book reminds you of the One you should never forget, of the Place you should always return to.

"Christ crucified" is perhaps the shortest summary of the gospel. The Cross symbolizes its essence. Calvary represents the coordinates where God focused his energies to obliterate the opposition and establish the rally point for his people.

Ten writers apply their skills to spiritual directions for the Christian. Every direction, every foray, is tied to Golgotha. From the death of Christ and the faithfulness of God, theme after theme thrills us with the richness of grace and the robust faith we share.

Straight to the Cross. The trip of a lifetime.

!!!Ten writers usher you close to the cross of Christ.
*Mike Benson, editor of [[Kneemail|]], Evansville, Ind.
*Michael E. Brooks, author of [[In Search of Perfection|InSearchOfPerfection]], missionary to Far East based in Florence, Ala.
*Tim Hall, [[minister|]], Johnson City, Tenn., and author of [[Discovering the Kingdom of God|]], Choate Pub.
*[[J. Randal Matheny|]], author, editor, [[poet|]], missionary in Brazil since 1984.
*A. A. Neale, Christian writer.
*Barry Newton, minister and [[writer|]], San Jose, Calif.
*[[Phil Sanders|]], author of [[Let All the Earth Keep Silence|]] and //Adrift: ~Post-Modernism in the Church// ([[Gospel Advocate|]]), [[minister|]] in Brentwood, Tenn.
*Mitchell Skelton, [[minister|]], Lawrenceburg, Tenn.
*Emmett Smith III, Professional Land Surveyor and preacher, Paragould, Ark.
*Greg Tidwell, Acquisitions Editor, Gospel Advocate, and columnist for GA Magazine, [[minister|]], Columbus, Oh.
!!!Book information
Book size 5.5 x 8.5, 148 pp.
Retail price: $11.95, plus $2.95 shipping and handling for 1 copy.

ISBN no.: 978-0-9754789-0-5 - release date: October 30th, 2005
!!!How to order
Checks may be made out to and mailed to:

Forthright Press LLC
607 Devine Street 
Winona, MS 38967

Or payment may be made by ~PayPal to Barbara Oliver, email ba (at) oliver (dot) net.
Tel.: (662) 283-5037 or (901) 517-7274
Email: [[|]]
(Special conditions for booksellers and bookstores.)
Read also: [[Press release for the book|Press Release Straight]]
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[<img[timhall.jpg]]Tim Hall is a native of Harlan County, Ky. He and his wife Joyce, have three children and two grandchildren. Tim received his Bachelor's Degree 1976 from ~Freed-Hardeman College and a Master's Degree 1979 from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

He has been in full-time ministry in Northeast Tennessee since 1978, and has served the Central church of Christ in Johnson City since 1983.

His hobbies include hiking through the woods and digital photography, some of which is displayed on his website at [[|]].

Besides his book [[Discovering the Kingdom of God|KingdomOfGod]], Tim writes the weekly [[HEM-Lines|]] devotional and the column "Heavenly Connections" in [[Forthright Magazine|]].
!Title: Twice as Much Husband, Half as Much Money
Subtitle: How to Enjoy Retirement
Author: GloverShipp
Release date: May 2007 @@NOW AVAILABLE@@
[>img[TwiceasMuch.jpg]]Subject: Retirement issues, challenges, and lifestyle
Pages: 143
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
ISBN: 978-0-9754789-1-2
Features: Illustrated by the author.
List price: $11.95 plus S/H

#The Scenario
#Women Are Complicated; Men Are Impossible
#Money, Money Everywhere, But Not in Our Retirement Account
#Suddenly Out of the Loop
#Whose Job Is It, Anyway?
#Is My Head Screwed on Right?
#Much Flab About Nothing
#Keeping a Fire in the Oven
#The ~Not-So-Empty Nest
#When the Family Takes a New Path
#On Becoming a Caregiver (or Receiver)
#My Mate Has Died. How Can I Go On?
#Preparing for Our Final Exam
#Dividing Up the Pie: Avoiding Estate Squabbles
#How to Grow Old Without Falling on Your Face
#Our Forwarding Address
Sources and Resources

Glover surveys, both from experience and research, what it means to be retired. He offers practical advice for those planning for retirement and for those who are retired and need options. Read the author's introduction: MuchHusbandIntro.

@@Now available!@@ Here's [[how to order|How to Order]] this excellent resource for enjoying retirement.
<div style="width:176px;text-align:center"><embed src=""  flashvars="color1=3394815&type=user&id=14420923"  quality="high" width="176" height="176" name="twitter_badge" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /><br><a style="font-size: 10px; color: #33CCFF; text-decoration: none" href="">follow forthrightpress at</a></div>
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[<img[Barbara Ann Oliver|barbara.jpg]]Welcome to our website. By publishing biblical, spiritual and devotional materials, the purpose of Forthright Press is to[>img[J. Randal Matheny|jrm01ppp.jpg]] encourage every person to do the will of God in order to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 7:21), for God's commandment is eternal life (John 12:51) in Jesus Christ, the only way to salvation (Acts 4:12).

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